@article{oai:niimi-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001110, journal = {新見公立大学紀要, The bulletin of Niimi College}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), 本研究の目的は、罪悪感、羞恥感情と説明行動(concession, excuse, justification, denial)との関連性を検討することであった。調査対象者は、説明行動に関する4つの課題と、罪悪感、羞恥心各尺度に回答するよう求められた。分析の結果、説明行動と関連するのは罪悪感のみであることが明らかにされた。中でも“concession”と他傷場面での罪悪感との関連性が確認され、他者を直接的に傷つける場面で罪悪感を認識する者ほど、concessionを選択することが示された。さらに、“denial”と他者への負い目場面とが関連することも示され、他者への負い目から罪悪感を認識しやすい者ほど、加害場面において自己の加害行為を否定することが明らかとなった。, This study was conducted to examine the relationships between guilt, shame feeling and explanatory behavior (concession, excuse,justification, denial). The participants (N=93) were given four tasks related to explanatory behavior and guilt and shame feelings. Ourresults revealed that only guilt feelings are related to explanatory behavior. In particular, the association between "concession" and guiltfeelings in other scratching scenes was confirmed, and it was shown that those who recognize guilt feelings in scenes directly hurtingothers are more likely to choose concessions. Furthermore, it is shown that "denial" is related to the negative scene to other people, andit is clear that those who can easily perceive guilt from the negative attitude toward others are denying their own acts of perpetration inthe scene of adultery became.}, pages = {35--40}, title = {説明行動と罪悪感・羞恥感情との関連性 −青年期女子を対象とした検討−}, volume = {38-2}, year = {2018} }