@article{oai:niimi-c.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000688, author = {金山, 和彦 and KANAYAMA, Kazuhiko}, journal = {新見公立短期大学紀要, The bulletin of Niimi College}, month = {Dec}, note = {鑑賞教育における歴史的変遷を確認し、併せて現在の美術科における学習指導状況を把握することを目的とする。幼稚園指導要領から学習指導要領における鑑賞活動の内容は、純粋美術鑑賞から表現行為との一体化がなされてきた。そして今日、再び鑑賞教育の独自性が取り上げられる中、指導者の教材観と学習環境を確認する。, The author grasps the actual state of art appreciation education in the present elementary school and the junior high school educational systems. He mentions the actual state of the environment and the teaching materials of art appreciation education in the elementary and junior high schools clearly based on the investigation data which was gotten from "An Art Appreciation Learning Curriculum Development Research 2003" held by the Japanese Art Education Association Project Study Group. Incidentally, this data is valid as a handhold to find out an infant model of the art appreciation education. It prepares for the elementary school education and in the child education. But the problem is by what appreciation education program it should prepare., 7, KJ00004169055, 論稿}, pages = {35--42}, title = {「鑑賞学習領域の変遷と学習環境・教材の現状について」 : Analyzed by JavaScript-STARを用いたx自乗検定の結果について(創刊二十五周年記念号)}, volume = {25}, year = {2004}, yomi = {カナヤマ, カズヒコ} }